Understanding the embodiment of aging in Brazil– the interplay of social, economic, and biological factors -remains a challenge for critical gerontologists.
Annette Leibing
Annette Leibing
Annette Leibing is a medical anthropologist (PhD U Hamburg, postdoc McGill U), who had her first academic position at the department of psychiatry (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), where she founded and directed the CDA, a multidisciplinary center for mental health and aging, with a special focus on dementia. She is now full professor at the Nursing faculty (Université de Montréal), and member of the research groups MéOS (social aspects of medications), CREGÉS (social gerontology), PACTE (politics and health, in Grenoble, France), and PEPAS (subjectivity and health, in Rio de Janeiro). Her research focuses mostly on issues related to aging, by studying diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, aging and psychiatry, pharmaceuticals, the situatedness of care and, stem cells for the body in decline, among others.