A recent mainstream Bollywood film Badhaai Ho (a popular Bollywood film released in 2018) challenges stereotypes and focused on the intimate needs and desires of middle class older Indians.
No one wants to be alone, yet, for approximately 10% of older people, loneliness is a lived reality and has been acknowledged as a policy issue globally.
ArticlesCurrent Discussion
‘I like to think I am in the process of living with loneliness’: Co-developing cross-generational letter-writing with higher education students and older people
Across generations, their correspondence provided them with additional emotional benefits derived through letter writing.
Public library programming can also oppose ageism by prompting library staff to consider and question the conceptions and practices surrounding old age. Library staff described the tensions that exist around …
Empirical work thus far suggests that both between and within individual variability in physical functional limitations and cognitive impairment appear to be more closely tied to race/gender/class-based opportunity structure and …
ArticlesCurrent Discussion
End-of-life care in nursing homes: Allowing for self-determined dying in a ‘total social institution’
In the last days of life, residents are most often not in a position to express their will, and nurses interpret minimal bodily signs as expressions.
Rethinking dementia and the arts through feminist material perspectives is to create situations in which the distinction between those with and those without a dementia become irrelevant, and where a …
The International Network for Critical Gerontology (INCG) was designed to create a meaningful communityof scholars that are curious and engaged in the active exchange of ideas and practices.
Familialism will continue because of resource limitations, uncertainties regarding responsibility, and the political status of the family.